Mon 27 Jan
***************. Sweet Baby Asian Alice ************** Call 917-310-8487 - 21
(Staten Island, statenisland)
▓▓ ———————————————— Asian ————🌹————— Japanese ————🌹———— AvailaBLe—NOW ———————————————— ▓▓ - 20
(Staten Island, ——————24/hrs.——OUTCALLS——646—668—0898———)
💖👑🍏💖👑🍏NEW Feeling💖👑🍏💖👑LATINA & BLACK💖👑🍏💖👑🍏Amazing Choice☎️718-448-1925 💖👑🍏💖👑🍏 - 23
(NY 10304 🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅, Staten Island)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m - 26
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, everywhere)
!!!! Three hot playmates for you to choose from !come.and see - 20
(Staten Island, In Call 50$!!!! right off the Verrazano)
•♥• P R E T T Y & P E T I T E •♥917-584-3821♥• L I T T L E- {{EXOTIC}}- C U T I E - 21
(Staten Island, mall/ just in call)
✔ ✔ Party with Nikki ✔ ✔ Just Arrived ✔ ✔ - 21
(Staten Island, (( outcall only please -- no incall )))
Want Out? National Free Help 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
my name is sabrina 💋 love my job 🌹 love everything I do I am very loving and coy 🍓 - 25
(Staten Island, State Island New York 10314)
▬❎❎❤❤️❎❎▬ NEW ARRIVAL ▬❎❤❤️❤️❎▬ 【" 4 girls🈂🈂SPECIAL "】▬ ❎❤❤️❎ ▬【COME & TASTE SEXY 🇯🇵JAPANESE BODY2BODY】 - 21
(Staten Island, ❎❎1201 Hylan Blvd ❎❎Staten island❎❎)
*:•.★.•: BEAUTIFUL PUERTO RICAN PRINCESS *:•.★.•: *:•Maria - 23
(Staten Island, *((INCALLS)347_650_6611))((INCALLS)))
Sun 12 Jan
❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ ❤HOT❤ »-★» ❤SEXY❤ »-★-» ❤❤ » ❤BRUNETTE ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ - 25
(Staten Island, : Staten Island, : Staten Isla)
Sat 11 Jan
❤JUST ARRIVED BACK❤★█▒▒█★❤ PETITE BABY★NEW FACE❤★██★❤ BIG Surprise❤★▒██★❤Best feeling💦👅👄💋💄� - 20
(Staten Island, Hylan blvd)
█▓█▓█▓█▓█NEW❤️❤️ 💗💓 ❤️❤️——100% REAL amazing aian baby ❤️❤️💗💓 ❤️❤️NEW MANAGEMEN ——— ★★★★★★★★★ - 22
Looking for FEMALES Models 18-30 FOR ADULT MOVIES - 30
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island)
Fri 10 Jan
***DutcheSs & DiaMonD*** rEaDy tO fEEd ur FaNtaSy's ***AvaiLablE NOW***!!! pLeaSurE ONLY.. - 21
(Staten Island, iNqaLL hylan blvd)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off! - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, 1)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
~~~~~~~~** 100% Puerto Rican mami! Incalls... Fun Playful , & Pretty! 100 100 100 100 100 ;~) - 25
(Staten Island, Off Verrazano Bridge.. SI)
•★•°° SUPER SWEET °°•★•°° °°•★•°° NEW °°•★•°° °°•★•°° BRUNETTE TREAT°°•★• °°°°•★• °°°°•★•°° - 23
(Staten Island, OUT TO YOU)
Mon 06 Jan
CALL NOW SPECIAL ♥ ASIAN♥▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▃▃ ♥ HOT ♥ READY ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▃▃ ♥AVAILABLE NOW ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ OUTCALL - 19
(Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, OUT CALL, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
Hi guys I'm Vanessa portugués-Dominican I'm in NY ONLY this week💘 - 24
(Staten Island, Staten Island brooklyn)
YOUR __ U L T I M A T E ___ F A N T A S Y ▅ A V A I L A B L E ___ N OW_ - 23
(Staten Island, out calls)
Sun 05 Jan
Fri 03 Jan